North Central State College

                                                       Board of Trustees= Meeting

                                                                 March 27, 2002



1.                  CALL TO ORDER


The Chairman, Mr. Preston, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


2.                  ROLL CALL


The Secretary called the roll.


Present:          Dr. Ford

Mrs. Humphrey

Dr. Kafer

Mr. Kehoe

Mr. Preston

Dr. Ressallat

Mr. Wiseman


3.                  INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS


Mr. Preston recognized and welcomed Mr. Mark Collins, Mr. John Harkness, and Mr. Bob Zettler to the meeting.


4.                  APPROVAL OF MINUTES


The Chairman called for questions or comments regarding the minutes of the February 27, 2002, meeting.  Hearing none, the chairman called for a motion to approve the minutes.  Mr. Wiseman moved to approve the February 27, 2002, minutes seconded by Mrs. Humphrey.  The motion carried unanimously.


5.                  TREASURER=S REPORT


Mr. Miller presented the Treasurer=s Report for the period ending February 27, 2002.  Revenues for the month totaled $1,942,664.  Expenditures for the month were $1,260,067 leaving an excess of $682,597.  Year-to-date revenues are $11,466,051 and year-to-date expenditures are $9,074,197 leaving an excess of $2,391,854.  The StarOhio month end balance is $2,379,085.


ACTION TAKEN: Dr. Ford moved approval of the Treasurer=s Report.  Dr. Kafer seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


6.                  OLD BUSINESS


Shared Services


Dr. Abrams informed the Board that the Facilities Committee has been meeting and developing a response the resolution previously passed by the Board.  He also informed the Board that he met with Dr. Riedl to discuss setting aside the current agreement and creating a new agreement based on a customer/service provider relationship.  He hopes to have a draft of that document for the next Board meeting.


7.                  NEW BUSINESS


A.        Mr. Collins presented Resolution R-2002-10 - Consideration of Approval of Contracts for Probationary and Non-Probationary Faculty.  Mr. Collins informed the Board that the faculty members listed in the resolution have been evaluated and recommended for renewal by their individual Deans.









BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that approval is hereby given to the administration of the College for the Amemos of intent@ to be issued to the following faculty who have been fully evaluated and recommended without reservation for renewal of contracts for the period stated below:


                                   PROBATIONARY SECOND-YEAR CONTRACTS


Toni Carr (2001)                                 Matthew Cupach (2001)

Donald Dicke (2001)                           Kendra Hall (2001)

Patricia Herb (2001)                           Jennifer Howe (2001)

James Olive (2001)                             Jarrod Schiffbauer (2001)

Penny Snyder (2001)



                                     PROBATIONARY THIRD-YEAR CONTRACTS


Molly Hockenberry (2000)                  Bobby Matney (2000)

Carmen Morrison (2000)                    Amy Welsh (2000)



                               NON-PROBATIONARY THREE-YEAR CONTRACTS

                                                 (First Year of Three-Year Contract)



Jennifer Adkins (1999)                        Michael Allen (1999)

Faye Grund (1999)                             Cynthia Hartman (1999)

Douglas Kranch (1999)                      Judith Sturgill (1999)

Anne Vinson (1999)


ACTION TAKEN: Mrs. Humphrey moved approval of R-2002-10.  Dr. Kafer seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


B.        Personnel Report


$                   Mr. Miller presented Resolution R-2002-11 - Consideration of Approval of Employment of College Personnel.


                                           CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF

                                      EMPLOYMENT OF COLLEGE PERSONNEL






BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that the following classified staff are hereby awarded the prescribed salary at the beginning dates stipulated below:




Evan Samuel Benedict, Custodian 3rd Shift/Main Campus

SALARY: $1516.66 per month based on 12 months


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Kehoe moved approval of R-2002-11.  Mrs. Humphrey seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


$                   Mr. Miller presented Resolution R-2002-12 - Consideration of Approval of Status Changes.







                                           CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF

                                                            STATUS CHANGES







BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that Gary L. Stevens be awarded a status change from Custodian to Lead Custodian at the date and salary stipulated below:




Gary L. Stevens, Lead Custodian/Main Campus

SALARY: $5,611.69 prorated from $19,240.00 for a fiscal year


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Kehoe moved approval of R-2002-12.  Dr. Kafer seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


$                   Mr. Miller presented the Separations Report.  He stated that the individuals listed have left the College since the last report.





Amelia Frizzell, Part-Time Assistant Cook /Child Development Center

RESIGNED: Accepted another position outside the College.



Kimberly Dawson, Accountant I/Controller=s Office

RESIGNED: Relocating out of state.



Rafeal Underwood, Executive Director of Mansfield/Richland Incubator

RESIGNED: Future plans were not disclosed.


C.        Engineering Center Update - Mr. John Harkness gave a brief report on the progress of the Engineering Center renovations.  The bid opening was held last week. $50,000 was added to the Engineering project from the Fallerius project money to meet the needs of the Engineering Center.  That brings the amount available for the project up to $450,000.


D.        Mr. Harkness presented Resolution R-2002-13 - Consideration of Approval of Construction Bid.







WHEREAS: The present Engineering Center is to be renovated to accommodate all Student Services areas, Student Success Center and Institutional Advancement, and


WHEREAS: sealed bids were received by the college at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19, 2002, for the renovation of the Engineering Center, and


WHEREAS: the low combined base bids are within ten percent (10%) of the Architects=s projected estimate, and


WHEREAS: North Central State College has allocated a $450,000.00 budget for renovation of the Engineering Center listed below:


Architect Fees                         $ 34,000.00

Local Administration                          $   4,000.00

Electric Contract                                $ 77,200.00

HVAC & Plumbing Contract              $114,600.00

General Contract                                $155,000.00

Contingency                                        $  65,200.00



NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: the Board of Trustees of North Central State College authorize contracts to be awarded to the following Contractors of the Engineering Center renovation.



Knox Electric                                                              $  77,200.00

P.O. Box 347

Fredericktown, OH 43019

Federal ID# 34-0847048



Standard Plumbing & Heating                                   $114,600.00

P.O. Box 2280

194 S. Illinois Avenue

Mansfield, OH 44905

Federal ID# 34-0549900


T. Brooks Unlimited, Inc.                                            $155,000.00

4809 E. Township Rd. 58

Bloomville, OH 44818

Federal ID# 34-1428528


ACTION TAKEN: Dr. Ford moved approval of R-2002-13.  Mr. Wiseman seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


E.         Campus Master Plan - Mr. Harkness gave a brief report on the Campus Master Plan.  The project was initiated in June of 2000 from Ohio State University=s main campus.  It is an attempt to look at a 10-year time span.  Mr. Harkness displayed a layout of the campus indicating ways to improve the flow of the campus.  It indicated signs to identify our buildings, signs directing traffic towards NC State buildings going one way and OSU signs pointing another way to OSU buildings.  An access road was also added at OSU=s request off the back of the campus by the apartments.


F.         Nominating Committee Report - Mrs. Humphrey stated that she and Dr. Kafer met and decided to look at a manufacturing representative to be on the Board.  They recommended Bruce Cummins, President of Mansfield Assemblies.  He is currently on the NC State Foundation Board.  They also considered Rick Witchey, who operates Mansfield Screw Machine.  Dr. Ford made a recommendation for another Ashland representative.  Dr. Gene Talego who is retired from Ashland University.  The next step in the process is to set up meetings with the individuals to determine if they would consider holding a position on the Board.




Mr. Preston informed the Staff that Mr. Schmid had resigned his seat on the Board effective March 19, 2002.  He suggested a resolution be written commending the trustees who have retired on their service and commitment to the college.


Mr. Preston stated that he had received an invitation to the OACC 10th Annual Meeting on May 8 and 9.  On Thursday Mr. Kehoe will be receiving an award for Outstanding Trusteeship during a luncheon.  Mr. Preston encouraged the Board members to attend.




Board Appreciation Dinner - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that the Board Appreciation Dinner will be held on May 17 at Westbrook Country Club.




Shelby Building Update


Naming Opportunity - Dr. Abrams stated that a Coffee with the President was held at the Shelby building with individuals who have retired from the College.  He also stated that the Governor will be unavailable for the Grand Opening.  Dr. Abrams went over some of the naming opportunities for the different areas of the building.


Phase II Renovation/Loan - Dr. Abrams distributed a handout outlining the four projects and their estimated costs.  It also outlined major pledges made, the period of the pledge, the amount received towards the pledge, and the balance.  He informed the Board we need to get more space built out before we can recruit more tenants.


Budget Priorities - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that preparations are under way for next year=s budget.  The budget will be based on flat enrollment.  He is considering increasing tuition to $5.00/hour, which is still well below everyone in the area.  He is also considering a 2 2 % salary increase, a $1.00 increase in the adjunct rate, with any extra money available to support new projects.


Phi Theta Kappa Recognition - Dr. Abrams informed the Board the College had the honor of hosting the State Wide Regional Conference for Phi Theta Kappa.  He indicated that our chapter had received numerous awards and went over the list of awards for the Board.  Dr. Ford recommended that Dr. Abrams send a letter from the Board to Diane Hipsher, Chapter Advisor, commending her on her work with Phi Theta Kappa.


Other - Dr. Abrams distributed a special events calendar to the Board to show them the types of activities brought to the campus by outside organizations.


He informed the Board that an Education Assistant Program has been approved by the Board of Regents.  This program is the first program of its kind in the state.  It was initiated by Mo Devolder.


He also stated that Lima Technical College is now James A. Rhodes State College.




Dr. Kafer made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter.  Mrs. Humphrey seconded the motion to adjourn to Executive Session at 8:20 p.m., and a roll call vote on the motion was approved unanimously.


Dr. Ford - Aaye@                                   Mr. Preston - Aaye@

Mrs. Humphrey - Aaye@                        Dr. Ressallat - Aaye@

Dr. Kafer - Aaye@                                  Mr. Wiseman - Aaye=

Mr. Kehoe - Aaye@

Upon a motion made by Dr. Kafer, seconded by Mr. Kehoe at 9:20 p.m. to terminate the Executive Session and to reconvene the regular Board meeting, a roll call vote on said motion was approved unanimously.


Dr. Ford - Aaye@                                   Mr. Preston - Aaye@

Mrs. Humphrey - Aaye@                        Dr. Ressallat - Aaye@

Dr. Kafer - Aaye@                                  Mr. Wiseman - Aaye=

Mr. Kehoe - Aaye@


The regular meeting of the North Central State College Board of Trustees was declared reconvened at 9:20 p.m.


Dr. Ford stated that the title of Resolution R-2002-09 needed to be changed to read Consideration of Approval of Board and Administrative Staff Responsibilities and Authority.  The Board also decided that the 1999 Board Rules and Regulations manual needs to be updated.




The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for Wednesday, April 24, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 168 of the Fallerius Technical Education Center.




The Chairperson called for any additional business requiring Board action.


ACTION TAKEN: As there was no further business for Board consideration, a motion was made by Dr. Kafer, seconded by Mrs. Humphrey to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m.  The motion carried unanimously.







Respectively submitted:                                     Mr. J. Bradford Preston, Chairman

Lisa A. Kitts, Secretary